


Temporary Suspension of Services during the Year-End and New Year

■サービス一部停止期間 :2023年12月29日(金)~ 2024年1月3日(水)


 * お問い合わせ対応

※年内のお問い合わせは、2023年12月28日(木)17:00 を受付締め切りとさせていただきます。
それ以降にいただいたお問い合わせには 2024年1月4日(木)以降に順次ご対応させていただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。


■休止サービスの再開 :2024年1月4日(木)~

We will suspend our services between Friday, December 29, 2023, through Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

This applies to the following services:
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

【Service unavailable】
 * Responding to inquiries

Note 1: We will respond to your inquiries up to 17:00, Thursday, December 28, 2023.
We will respond to your inquiries submitted thereafter starting Thursday, January 4, 2024.
Please note that we will respond successively to your inquiries by order of submission.

Note 2: Your earning procedure and wallet account creation for open badges will remain available during this period.

Business services will resume on Thursday, January 4, 2024.